Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Robot Blues

Hello! I hope everyone is well. The weather has gone a bit chilly here in NorCal, so I decided bust out the yarn. This is one of my newest creations! His name is Bo-bot. When I gave him to my son, I "pressed" the buttons and made 'bee-boop' and 'bleep-bleep' sounds. Now he pushes the buttons and makes the sounds! It's so cute! I'm so stoked on my robots (I made a red one for my friend, it came out much better than this one!) They are my own design, I even wrote down my pattern as I went along!! That's big for me!! I'm a little stoked on my crafting skills right now!
I'm so glad to see thatI wasn't the only on who took a summer hiatus! Keep up the great work y'all! It's keeps me inspired!! May your day be filled with good thoughts, luscious merriment, and as muchobsessive yarning as possible! Namaste!

Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Santa Baby Crochet Ornament
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Moms & Babies Patterns :)
Thursday, October 05, 2006
Halloween Sillies

A few thing I made for Halloween : O The patterns for the Mummy, Ghost & Frank Jr. can be found here for free. Enjoy !!